
j9集团-j9旗舰厅 > about us > r&d

as an oem/odm vendor specializes in barcode scanner & scan engine products, we consider r&d capability to be our core competitive strength. our independent hardware and software r&d also helps to assure prompt responses to different customization requirements, and to provide better service for our customers.

  • r&d

    • professional in software development for embedded systems and desktop computer.
    • expertise in all kinds of barcode standard including 1-d and 2-d barcodes.
    • prompt response to software customization requirements for barcode application.

  • overview

    • our engineers are from first-class universities
    • we have 7 years of r&d experience
    • we develop software and hardware by ourselves
    • well-equipped r&d laboratory with world-class testing equipments





















©2004-2020 mindeo, shenzhen minde electronics technology ltd.; addr.: 5th floor, section 1, 25th block, no.5, kezhi xi road, keji yuan, nanshan district, shenzhen, p.r. china; post code: 518057
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